Build a Base
How to Build a Base ?​
You will be given an empty base at first. There is a build menu from which you can select the required buildings. Using the below four modes, you will be able to alter the base.
The incomplete base also gets automatically saved, which can be edited within the defense phase. To finally save the base for defense, click on the save button. DO NOT leave the base on auto-save mode.
Free Hand Mode​
This mode is used to move your map, buildings, or drag and drop.
Road Mode​
With this mode, you can build:
Only straight roads on clicking on Road Mode once:
Straight and curved roads on clicking Road Mode twice:
Move Tool​
This mode helps in moving and rotating buildings so that you can rebase.
Bulldozer Mode​
Using this mode, you can remove buildings and roads:
Description can be viewed by clicking on the respective building.